Ready to take your personal and professional life to the next level?

Investing in yourself is one of the most rewarding things you can do – personally, professionally and financially. Juanita provides a range of expert services to help you do just that. 


How it works

There can often be some anxiety about contacting a consultant. Are they any good, are they the right fit for you and when will they start ‘turning on the meter’? 

Because Juanita is incredibly transparent about such things and because she doesn’t want anyone to be anxious, we’ve provided an overview of our engagement process below. If you have any questions, ask, and we’ll give a full & frank reply.

Services just for you

Champion your idea, career, leadership, company, book, or research, and take it to the next level through strategic, compelling, and persuasive communication. Juanita can teach you how.

How to Get the Gig: An on-demand online Course

This course is the perfect place to start if you’re curious about public speaking or looking to enhance your understanding of the often-overlooked fundamentals.

Concise but jam-packed with essentials, this course covers how to create a strategic wishlist of events you want to speak at, how to hone your great idea into 12 words or less, how to apply to speak at events (including practical tips and email templates), and what and when to charge.

And it’s ready to start whenever you are.

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Personalised Speaker Coaching

Every coaching program is tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment in yourself.

Sessions are designed to be flexible and address whatever area of presenting, pitching, or leadership communication is holding you back or could be enhanced.

You can get Juanita’s frank advice about an upcoming speaking gig or receive training and guidance to help you take your speaking and presenting to the next level.

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Speaker consulting sessions

While speaker coaching helps you develop your speaking and speechwriting skills, speaker consulting helps you make strategic decisions about who you should speak to, at which events, and on which topics to achieve your strategic goals.

These strategy sessions are ideal for new speakers who don’t want to waste time making rookie errors, and established speakers who are already known for a specific topic area – but are keen to transition to other topics they’d like to be remembered for.

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Having a brilliant idea, product, or business is one thing, but articulating it in a clear, compelling and powerful manner is a very particular skill. 

Some pitches or presentations can be game-changing for your future career or company trajectory. If you are given this type of opportunity, consider a professional speechwriter. One who can deliver a powerful, concise, jargon-free script worthy of your great idea – while still sounding authentically you.

Confidential ghost writing is available.

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Frequently Asked

Absolutely. Juanita offers 20-minute mini-consultations. You can check out her calendar, select a time that suits you, and book and pay online via her Calendly page.

If you’re planning to ask questions about public speaking, consider taking Juanita’s on-demand online course, How to Get the Gig. At only USD 197, it is jam-packed with the must-have answers speakers need to get started. You can complete it in a day or a weekend – and start putting your new knowledge and skills into action immediately. It will also put you in the perfect place to launch into one-on-one coaching if you decide you want or need it.

Absolutely. Many of the people Juanita works with live overseas. Sessions are done via video calls. In-person catch-ups are sometimes possible, courtesy of Juanita’s travel schedule. Katrina Marson is an excellent example of someone who worked with Juanita remotely. You can read Katrina’s feedback about the experience here.

The extensive full-service coaching program Juanita provides to TEDxBrisbane speakers includes honing the idea, identifying strategic objectives, script editing, fact-checking, stagecraft, memorisation, rehearsal feedback and more. It is time-intensive, and Juanita only offers this service to a few (non-TEDx) clients each year. If you are interested in discussing this opportunity, please get in touch via the contact page.

Juanita has coached over 100 TEDx speakers.  As well as CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, authors, researchers and more.

What some of the fabulous humans I work with are saying

Adrienne Alexander

“What Juanita does for all her speakers is nothing short of miraculous.

In fact, Juanita changed my life.”

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Dr George Blair-West

“After working with Juanita on my TEDx Talk, it was picked up as a feature talk on, garnered over 4 million views, and led to finding a publisher for my book.”

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Dr Gemma Sharp

“I would recommend Juanita to anyone. In the words of Miranda Priestly in the Devil Wears Prada movie, if you don’t hire her, you are an idiot!”

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