“Juanita made my highly technical research accessible and exciting to audiences in a way I didn’t know was possible.”

Danish Kazmi
Civil Engineer | Scientist | TEDx Speaker

Juanita made my highly technical research accessible and exciting to audiences in a way I didn’t know was possible.”

“I could not have delivered this TEDx Talk without Juanita.”

As a civil and geotechnical engineer, researcher and adjunct lecturer, I am very passionate about my research on using crushed waste glass to replace depleting natural sand in construction. I believe my research can support the transition to a circular economy and help save the world’s sandy beaches, but to do that, I need to communicate the research well. So, I was electrified by the opportunity to give a TEDx Talk, and I knew I needed to nail it.
I have done a lot of public speaking and communicating with the science community. However, speaking to big audiences of the general public was something I had limited experience with before my TEDx Talk.
Juanita and I both knew from our first meeting that the challenge would be translating my research – which usually embodies an 80,000-word PhD thesis, into a clear and stimulating talk that was interesting, persuasive and accessible to people without the need for multiple science degrees. We were determined to make it happen.

I initially thought it would be easy. I lecture all the time for my day job and do science communication frequently. However, I quickly realised that there is nothing routine about doing a TEDx Talk. It requires numerous revisions, fact-checking, rewriting, memorisation, and practice. It could easily have been overwhelming, but Juanita guides you through the process and navigates the journey with you.

Juanita took the time to investigate my concept and conducted several interviews with me to better understand my research findings. Juanita then wrote an engaging script in my own style that included direct quotes, elegant explanations of my concepts, and action-inspiring language that left the audience wanting more, with a little humour sprinkled in for good measure.

Juanita magically distils your complex and detailed research into clear and succinct ideas that can be conveyed to an audience, free from jargon and waffle. She takes your idea and weaves it into your story, creating a compelling and unforgettable piece with the power to make real change. Juanita skillfully helped make my highly technical research accessible and exciting to audiences in a way I didn’t know was possible.

The public response to my TEDx Talk has been incredible. People now comprehend my concept and research in a way and on a level they never have before. I could not have delivered this high-quality TEDx Talk without Juanita, who delicately sharpened my script and helped me deliver a TEDx Talk I am incredibly proud of.

Juanita is an exceptional speechwriter and public speaking coach with a rare combination of storytelling skills, eloquence and authenticity.

I would recommend Juanita to existing or potential speakers, especially researchers, who want to create a genuine impact with their innovative ideas!



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